We generate recover create clean energy

Our purpose is to transform the industrial energy sector through our business practices with our innovations.

We Generate Clean Energy

We generate clean energy through our energy-recovery solutions to positively impact the environment and generate profits for our clients

Reducing Carbon Footprint In Energy Generation Process

At Enrecover, we aim to save our planet by developing innovative energy conservation techniques and making them accessible to everyone.

About us

We are pioneers in clean technologies and green solutions.

The company was founded in 2017 by four entrepreneurs who were passionate about reducing their carbon footprint in energy production. They found methods to recover energy from waste heat to minimise dependence on fossil fuels. Utilising energy conversion, we can have a cleaner and greener world.

Enrecover is led by a professional technical team with extensive experience in energy efficiency. Today, Enrecover uses various waste heat resources in industrial complexes or geothermal plants to generate energy. In addition, Enrecover has added another product to its portfolio that converts wasted steam pressure in the process industry back into clean electricity. Our goal is to offer efficient, highly reliable, safe, cost-effective, and easy-to-use products.

Enrecover, a next-generation power generator, is also proud to be part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. RENEWABLE ENERGY IS NO LONGER AN IDEA FOR THE FUTURE; IT IS HERE NOW! We are an emerging global player in designing, manufacturing, and servicing systems making this idea possible.


An affordable, innovative & participatory approach to sustainable energy

We are here to create clean energy solutions that lead to huge profits for our customers. Along the way, we do our best to leave a lasting and positive impact on the micro and macro climate. Enrecover believes when it comes to choosing between abundant energy and clean energy, the choice is clear. When you choose to purchase an Enrecover system, you are already making a positive impact on the planet. Remember that every individual and industry has a significant role to play when it comes to climate change.

Values That Define Us

Team Work

Team work is key to our success. We work together for the overall benefit of the company. We build relationships with trust and actively support each other.

Constant Learning

We believe in constant learning, embrace changes, improve, and also expand our potential every day.


Each product has undergone several quality assurance procedures before we introduce it to the market. We pride ourselves on the excellence of our products.


We believe that for a business to thrive, it must constantly innovate and improve. That's why our team is led by thought pioneers who encourage innovation and value integrity.

Our Team

Experienced and Enthusiastic

Our team has over 100+ cumulative years of relevant experience in field of research, design and manufacturing.

The leadership team comes with experience from several global and Indian organisations like GE Turbines, Skoda Turbines, SunEdison, TATA Steel, PwC, Indian Navy, Bloom Energy, Enarka etc.

The team also benefits from its Research tie-ups with premier institutes like IIT Madras.

Join our team and help us create clean & green world.

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